Lance Cargill

Lance Cargill REPRepublican

American politician

Profile Photo
Lance CargillREPRepublican American politician
Years of Age
Years of Experience
OKResidence (state)

Lance Cargill (born September 13, 1971) is an American lawyer and Republican politician from the U.S. state of Oklahoma. Cargill served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from January 2, 2007, to January 28, 2008. He resigned his leadership role due to tax and ethics controversies and was succeeded as speaker by Chris Benge. Since leaving the Oklahoma legislature, Cargill has neither run for nor held an elective office. He has shifted his focus to serving as a political consultant. He has formed various partnerships, and is headquartered in his hometown of Harrah (a suburb of Oklahoma City). Mostly, he seems to promote lesser-known Republican candidates who share is very strong conservative views.

Education4 - 4 of 2
Vanderbilt Law School
Oklahoma State University
BS Economics/Political Sciences
Past Positions1 - 5 of 5
Oklahoma State House of Representatives
2000 - 2008
Majority Floor Leader
Oklahoma State House of Representatives.
Speaker of the House
Oklahoma State House of Representatives, present
Adjunct Professor
Business Lawyer