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New Jersey: Voter Guide
Voting Information // New Jersey

Automatic voter registration

Online voter registration

Pre-registration before turning 18

Number of days prior to election a voter must be registered is 15 days or less

Online voter registration closes 15 days or less before Election Day

Registration drives

Same day registration offered in all elections

Same day registration located at polling place

Same day registration offered only during early voting


All mail voting

In-person early voting

Amount of early voting days is higher than 7

Election day is a state holiday

No-excuse mail voting

12+ hours of open polls

Paid time off work to vote

Time off work to vote


Felons can vote after incarceration with completion of sentence

Felons can vote immediately after incarceration

Felons can vote while incarcerated

No ID required to vote

Mental competency not required to register

Non-photo ID required to vote

Photo-ID required to vote

Upcoming Elections

There are no upcoming elections. Sign up for email or text notifications prior to important election dates.

Voting Qualifications

Not serving a sentence or on parole or probation as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this or another state or of the United States
Resident of your New Jersey county for at least 30 days before the election
18+ Years of Age
United States Citizen


In Person - 
21 days before Election Day
Mail - 
Received 21 days before Election Day
In Person - 
Requested 1 day or more before Election Day
Mail - 
Application to request absentee ballot due 7 days or more before Election Day
Mail - 
Voted ballot postmarked by Election Day
In Person - 
Between 2 and 11 days before Election Day

More Information

A registered voter currently affiliated with a political party who wishes to change their party affiliation must file a Political Party Affiliation Declaration Form 55 days before a Primary Election. A registered voter currently not affiliated with a political party may declare their party affiliation up to and including Primary Election day.

Any registered New Jersey voter may apply for an absentee ballot and vote by mail.

If you’ve voted in New Jersey before, you don’t need to provide ID to vote in person.

If you’re voting for the first time in your county, registered to vote by mail, and didn’t provide an ID number or copy of ID when you registered, bring one of the following to vote:

  • Current photo ID (including a New Jersey driver’s license, a military or other government ID, a student or job ID, or US passport)
  • Current utility bill, bank statement, pay statement, car registration, rent receipt, government check, or other government document that shows your name and address