Elizabeth Emken

Elizabeth Emken REPRepublican

US political candidate

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Elizabeth EmkenREPRepublican US political candidate
Years of Age
CAResidence (state)
Voterly's Issue Scores  (1 - 1 of 1)

Below lists the position this politician has taken on a political issue. The star rating represents the politician's prioritization and action on the issue based on data collected by relevant interest groups. Select an issue to view a more in-depth explanation of each rating.

Special Interest Group Ratings

Interest Groups That SUPPORT
Interest Groups That OPPOSE
Average Score

Disclaimer: A special interest group's positions on issues are gathered from various reputable sources including the organization's website, social media accounts, press releases, and other public communications. Special interest group politician ratings are provided by VoteSmart.org. Positions and ratings are subject to change and we may experience delays, interruptions, or errors, as a result. If you believe this information is inaccurate, please submit a problem report. Submit Report.

Education3 - 3 of 1
University of California, Los Angeles
BA Economics/Political Science
Past Positions1 - 4 of 4
Vice President
Government Relations, Autism Speaks
2007 - 2009
Legislative Consultant
Cure Autism Now
1997 - 2006
Financial Analyst
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation
1984 - 1996