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Pedro PierluisiUKNUnknown Puerto Rican politician
Years of Age
Years of Experience

Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia (born April 26, 1959) is a Puerto Rican politician and lawyer currently serving as governor of Puerto Rico since January 2, 2021. He has previously served as secretary of justice, resident commissioner, acting secretary of state, de facto governor of Puerto Rico and as private attorney for Puerto Rico's fiscal oversight board under the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act. He is a member of the New Progressive Party and the Democratic Party of the United States.

Education5 - 5 of 3
Tulane University
George Washington University
Colegio Marista Guaynabo
Past Positions1 - 2 of 2
Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico
United States of America
2009 - 2017
Governor of Puerto Rico
United States of America