Sherman Q. Mack

Sherman Q. Mack REPRepublican

American politician in Louisiana (born 1972)

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Sherman Q. MackREPRepublican American politician in Louisiana (born 1972)
Years of Age
Years of Experience
LAResidence (state)

Sherman Quinn Mack (born March 1972) is a lawyer from Albany outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who was a Republican member of the Louisiana House of Representatives from District 95 in Livingston Parish until January 8, 2024, when his brother Shane Mack was sworn in.Mack was elected on October 22, 2011, to succeed Walker Hines, who held the seat for one term when it was based, prior to redistricting, in Orleans Parish. In the nonpartisan blanket primary, Mack received 6,526 votes (61.2 percent), compared to 3,449 (32.4 percent) for Democrat Lonnie Watts and 682 ballots (6.4 percent) for Independent Matthew Mitchell.On April 5, 2012, Mack voted against successful bills to authorize charter schools and to establish a school voucher program. He also opposed the plan to amend teacher tenure policy. Mack also works as an attorney in Livingston Parish.

Voterly's Issue Scores  (1 - 3 of 3)

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0 / 3
Education4 - 4 of 2
Southern University Law School
1996 - 1999
Southeastern Louisiana University
BA Historical Studies
1991 - 1995
Past Positions1 - 4 of 4
Louisiana State House of Representatives
2012 - 2024
The Mack Law Firm
Former Chief Clerk
Judge Wayne Ray Chutz, 21st Judicial District Court
Former Chief Clerk
Judge Brenda Bedsole Ricks, 21st Judicial District Court
Other Experience1 - 6 of 6
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Former Chair
Livingston Parish Notary Commission
Capital Region Legislative Delegation
Louisiana Republican Legislative Delegation
Louisiana Rural Caucus
Former Chair
Administration of Criminal Justice Committee, Louisiana State House of Representatives