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Andrew SorrellREPRepublican Auditor
Years of Age
Years of Experience
ALResidence (state)

Justin Andrew Sorrell (born 1985) is an American politician who is the incumbent State Auditor of Alabama, serving since 2023. A member of the Republican Party, he previously served in the Alabama House of Representatives from 2018 to 2022, representing the 3rd district, which includes the northwestern counties of Colbert and Lawrence. Described as a "firebrand" by Yellowhammer News, Sorrell was first elected in 2018; he was annually named as one of the "most conservative" representatives in the Alabama Legislature, as well as among the most conservative state legislators in the United States. He was elected as state auditor in the 2022 election cycle after defeating pastor Stan Cooke in a runoff.

Voterly's Issue Scores  (1 - 1 of 1)

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Special Interest Group Ratings

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Interest Groups That OPPOSE
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Education3 - 3 of 1
University of North Alabama
Graduated Business Management
2004 - 2006
Past Positions1 - 4 of 4
State of Alabama
2023 - Current
Alabama State House of Representatives
2018 - 2022
Gold, Guns, and Guitars, Incorporated
2015 - Current
Infinity College Textbooks
Other Experience1 - 5 of 5
Republican Steering Committee
Regional Vice Chair
Alabama Republican Party
District Vice-Chair
Alabama State Republican Party Executive Committee
Alabama State Republican Party Executive Committee
Republican Executive Committee