Dave McTeague

Dave McTeague DEMDemocrat

American Democratic politician

Profile Photo
Dave McTeagueDEMDemocrat American Democratic politician
Years of Age
Years of Experience
ORResidence (state)

Dave McTeague (born November 19, 1952) is an American Democratic politician who served in the Oregon House of Representatives from 1985 until 1995.

Voterly's Issue Scores  (1 - 1 of 1)

Below lists the position this politician has taken on a political issue. The star rating represents the politician's prioritization and action on the issue based on data collected by relevant interest groups. Select an issue to view a more in-depth explanation of each rating.

Special Interest Group Ratings

Interest Groups That SUPPORT
Interest Groups That OPPOSE
Average Score

Disclaimer: A special interest group's positions on issues are gathered from various reputable sources including the organization's website, social media accounts, press releases, and other public communications. Special interest group politician ratings are provided by VoteSmart.org. Positions and ratings are subject to change and we may experience delays, interruptions, or errors, as a result. If you believe this information is inaccurate, please submit a problem report. Submit Report.

Campaign Funding

Total Raised
Total Spent
Cash on Hand
Financial Data Source: Center for Responsive Politics
Education3 - 3 of 1
University of Oregon
Bachelors Political Science
Past Positions1 - 12 of 12
Executive Director
Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners
1996 - 2015
Oregon State House of Representatives
1984 - 1994
Democratic National Committeeman
1980 - 1984
Democratic National Convention
Democratic National Convention
Former Member
Clackamas Fire District Board of Directors
Former Member
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Elected Director
Clackamas Fire District # 1
2003 - 2015
Board of Directors
Clakamas Service Center
1998 - 1999
Former Employee
Salem's Del Monte Cannery
Former Security Officer
City of Salem
Legislative Assistant
State Senator Jan Wyers
Other Experience1 - 5 of 5
State President
Association of Northwest Steelheaders
1991 - 1992
State President
Oregon Young Democrats
Former Member
Clackamas Service Center
Former Member
Teamsters Labor Union Local 670
Former Tuba Player
Encore Brass Band